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The Nile River

The Blue and White Nile


The Nile River is built of two smaller rivers,  the blue and white Nile. 

The White Nile River, what gives it its name? Due to the light colored clay in the river, it makes a light gray/ white color, there for calling it ‘’The White Nile River’’. Being longer than ‘’Blue Nile’’ it ends up contributing more than 16% of the total amount of water that flows through out the river each year.  This does not sound like a lot but this river has more of a consistent flow letting the Nile run from April to May supplying more than 80% of the total amount of water to the people. This river is also linked with Lake Victoria in Uganda and Kenya. Passes through Sudan.


The Blue Nile also passes through Sudan meeting the White Nile for a moment. This river is linked with Lake Tana in Ethiopia and even flows 1,400 km (850 miles)! This certain river is the source of water and fertile soil. Lake Tana floods every year summer from June to September slowly feeding the blue nile. Extremely important that this flood happens every year because it was only during this time that erision and transportation of the fertile silt occurs. Fertile soil is what gave life to the Nile River.  


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